New YouTube Channel for Beginner Flexibility (AUG 7, 2020)

Hi there! WELCOME to Journey to Mobility – a blog I started back in September 2019. This will be a bit of a different post but I’m super excited to announce that I’ll be launching a New YouTube Channel where I post FOLLOW ALONG Stretch Routines for Beginners (& Inflexible Read more

8 Tips to Get the Last Few Inches of Front Splits

At the 5 month mark, my left splits was 3 inches away from the ground and my right splits was 4 inches. I was at the last few inches of my front splits, but I couldn’t quite get down all the way. I did some research, made a few changes Read more

Can Everyone Do The Splits? Do This Side Split Test!

For some people, getting the splits is a life-long goal. Then there’s people like me who just wanted to be able to touch their toes! I started training for the splits when I was 24. Prior to that, I was inflexible my entire life. I remember wondering if it was Read more

How To Do the Splits For Beginners: Step-by-Step

Training for the splits can take months or even years of practice. However, you only need to know a hand full of stretches to get started. This step-by-step guide for beginners will teach you everything need to know about the splits and how to do them. Overview Stretches to prepare Read more

Which Split is Easier: Front Split vs Side Split

Getting your splits is often seen as the ultimate test of flexibility. As a beginner, it can be confusing to know what the difference is between a front split and a side split. What square hips are and which muscles you need to actually stretch in order to reach your Read more

How to Do The Front Splits Fast for Beginners – 5 Easy Steps

When I first started training for the splits in 2017, I knew very little about stretching. After 5 months, I got my front splits on both sides! This was half the time I had originally estimated. How fast you get your splits really depends on your current level of flexibility. Read more

Easy Calf Stretch Routine for Muscle Tightness

The calf muscles (Gastrocnemius and Soleus) are located at the back of the leg just below the knee. When you are walking, your foot flexes and your calf muscles stretch to allow the balls of your feet to plant on the ground. This motion is important for performing dynamic exercises Read more

7 Effective Stretching Tips to get your Front Splits Fast

I began my front splits journey in November 2017. Within 5 months, I got my splits! I had two goals in mind when I started: 1) to show myself that it’s possible for anyone to become flexible and 2) to see how quickly I could get there by learning how Read more